Just Christians
You can be just a Christian! Does this sound strange? With about 300 religious bodies in our country it might appear impossible to be Christian without being part of a denomination. It is not only possible, but there are actually millions of "Christians only" in this and other nations.
The Churches of Christ
Who are these people who seek to be only Christians? The Congregations of which they are a part are usually known as "Churches of Christ."
This term is not used in a sectarian sense, but is intended to denote their desire to belong to Christ's church. The Bible says,
"All the churches of Christ greet you" (Romans 16:16). However, it is just as correct to describe the church of which we read in the Bible as "the church of God"
(1 Corinthians 1:2), "the body of Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:27), or "the household of faith" (Galatians 6:10). These and similar Biblical phrases are not proper names,
but descriptive expressions which show how the church is related to Christ and his Father.
Individually, Christ's followers are known as "Christians" in the Bible.
"The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26). "If a man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but glorify God in this name"
(1 Peter 4:16). Never does a human name prefix this God-given name. Paul was one of the greatest of all Christians, but he did not want the disciples to be called
"Paulites" or "Paulite Christians" (1 Corinthians 1:10-17).
A Distinctive Plea
Churches of Christ have a distinctive plea. Of course, in many ways we agree with others striving to follow Christ. We believe in the divine inspiration of the
entire Bible and that it is sufficient to guide us in all matters of faith; in the death of Jesus Christ and His atonement for our sins; and that after death all men
will be rewarded or punished in another life for the way they lived here. And with all people of real religious conviction we insist that the moral principals of
Jesus are absolute truths to be exemplified in the personal righteousness of the child of God.
The Bible ONLY
However, we not only believe that the scriptures are inspired, but also are convicted that the New Testament must be our ONLY guide in religious faith.
God's Word frequently warns us against changing the divine message. (See Galatians 1:6-9.) We, therefore, have no creed or catechism to present, but accept
Christ as our only creed and the Bible as our only guidebook. In this way we are never prevented by an erroneous creed from accepting any truth which may be
learned from God's Word.
Restoration Rather Than Reformation
It is obvious to thinking people that the religious world is badly divided. Great leaders such as Martin Luther and John Calvin sought to correct erroneous
teachings and practices. But the reformers often started at different points and thus arrived at different conclusions. Division rather than unity has resulted.
Churches of Christ, on the other hand, plead for the restoration of apostolic Christianity rather than a reformation of existing religious bodies.
Since all can agree that the early church was right, we should also be able to agree that we cannot be wrong if we succeed in reproducing that church today in
every essential part. While many things have changed in the twentieth century, the teachings of Jesus have not. Truth is absolute and unchangeable. God's Word is
truth (John 17:17) and it can save today as surely as in the first century if applied in the same way. " The truth will make you free" (John 8:32).
Should you visit one of the churches of Christ you will find it worshipping God as did the early disciples--"in spirit and truth" (John 4:24).
You will observe that it partakes of the Lord's Supper, or communion, every Sunday. This is because we are following the example of the early Christians who
assembled every first day of the week to "break bread" (see Acts 20:7). Likewise, in every other way churches of Christ seek to reproduce New Testament Christianity--
in organization, in work, and in other areas of teaching.
How To Be Just A Christian
In few places is there so much disagreement as in answering the Bible question, "What must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30). Here again, churches of Christ
reply by going to the Scriptures for the answer. The Bible teaches that Christ shed His blood for our sins (Matthew 26:28), and that without it we cannot be saved
(Hebrews 9:22). But what does Jesus require of us if we are to appropriate that sacrifice? Those who crucified Him were told to "know assuredly" or to believe that
Jesus is "both Lord and Christ" (Acts 2:36). When these people on the day of Pentecost then asked for further information they were told, "Repent ye, and be baptized
everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins" (Acts 2:38). Today we teach as did the apostles then that for Christ's blood to remove
our sins, we must as believers in Him repent and be baptized. We are thus saved from our sins, the Lord adds us to His body, the church. "And the Lord added to the
church daily such as should be saved" (Acts 2:47). "For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one body" (1 Corinthians 12:13). The saved, then, are in the body or
church of Christ; one cannot be saved outside this body.
The early disciples were Christians only. Although we live 1900 years later, we too can be Christians only if we will follow the same teachings given to these
first followers of Jesus. Christ said, "The seed is the Word of God" (Luke 8:11). Just as surely as a planted acorn will produce only an oak, so God's Word will
produce Christians and nothing more. We invite your earnest consideration to this plea.
*Reprinted from:
Just Christians
Bible & School Supply P.O. Box 244444 Montgomery, AL 36124-4444